Add your special photo or video to the Memory Timeline.

Click here to view a sample Memory Timeline.

A Memory Timeline is an expanding chronological thread of photos, videos and stories, which depicts William's life and those that have shared in it. It also includes all of the content that has been posted to other sections within this eTribute.

All content appears in chronological order. So if you are adding a photo or video and you know the exact date of when it was taken or recorded please provide us with that information so that it appears in the timeline on this date. Alternatively if you don’t know the date of when the photo was taken or the video recorded it will appear on the day that you posted it. If you have an approximate date ie 1945 that too is fine.


Special Memory with Photo

Submit your photo and story here.

Special Memory with Video

Submit your video and story here.

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Symbols of Love

Lay flowers, light a candle or
place a symbol of love.

Condolence Messages

Leave a written, audio, photo or
video message of condolence.

Memory Timeline

Contribute your photos and
memories to the timeline.